Titanic - Machine Learning from Disaster / Titanic: aprendizaje automático de la catástrofe
It is recommended to read the Tutorial Titanic to understand how the platform works and the type of learning it offers. Titanic - Machine Learning from Disaster On the night of April 14-15, 1912, the British ocean liner RMS Titanic collided with an iceberg off the coast of Newfoundland. The sinking of the ship occurred three hours later. Around 1,500 people died. The first exercise in Kaggle is to create a model with which to forecast the passengers who survived the shipwreck. For this we have two types of data set: training (train.csv) and test (test.csv). The training set is used to build the machine learning models. ------------------------o0o--------------------------- Es recomendable leer el tutorial Tutorial Titanic para comprender cómo funciona la plataforma y el tipo de aprendizaje que ésta ofrece. En resumen, se divide en cuatro partes: Titanic: aprendizaje automático de la catástr...